Beyond the Blue Box

Important Notice:

We thank you sincerely for your continued support and for your generosity in donating to our organization.

What we Accept

Donations are welcome Monday to Saturday from 10am to 3pm. Please have a look at what we accept and what we don't accept before coming.

Best of the Box

Visit our store and find a library full of fantastic books or go back in time and pay $1.00 for adult and children's clothing!

Our Vision

To provide work, social, and training opportunities for developmentally disabled individuals, while promoting reduction, re-use, and recycling of waste in Northumberland County.

Our Mission

Beyond the Blue Box serves the County of Northumberland by providing an affordable retail outlet for reusable items.


We have put together a list of great community links including waste/recycling inquires, town services, used clothing and household items, etc.

Syd Chatwood

The Syd Chatwood Memorial Scholarship for Inclusion. Please read all about it by clicking here.

30th Anniversary

Fantastic Books

Come visit our store and find a library full of fantastic books.  Many are still on the Best Sellers list!  Our books are replenished twice a week by our “Book Ladies” - Ann, Jackie, Cathy, Megan and George. We could not do it without their tremendous help!

What we Accept

Adult and Children's Clothing

Go back into time and pay $1.00 for adult and children's clothing! Our main store offers a large section of clothing replenished daily!

What we Accept

What Others Are Saying

I stopped by to Beyond the Blue box last night as I was passing through town for the first time. Everyone was extremely welcoming, lovely and helpful! I found some amazing treasures that were for a great price. Thank you so much and I can't wait to come back.

-The Perth Shop

Call us today at 905-373-7202 or email

Beyond the Blue Box is one of Canada’s longest standing and most successful community based waste reduction and reuse centres.

Our Vision

To provide work, social, and training opportunities for developmentally disabled individuals, while promoting reduction, re-use, and recycling of waste in Northumberland County.


Shopping Hours

7 days a week
10am to 4pm


Mon - Sat 10am -3pm

Contact Us

Beyond the Blue Box
14 Covert Street
Cobourg, ON
